los angeles

tattoo aftercare

 Tattoo Aftercare

Here’s some aftercare instructions for after our appointment! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

First 2 weeks:

  • Try to keep the Saniderm (aka Second Skin) on for at least 48 hours after your appointment.

  • Remove the Saniderm (aka Second Skin) in the shower

    • Instead of peeling it in a downward motion, try to pull up parallel to your skin to stretch the Saniderm as it comes off

  • Wash your hands, and then wash your tattoo gently with anti-bacterial (ideally fragrance-free) soap

  • Air dry or pat the tattoo dry with a clean towel or paper towel

  • Apply a small amount of fragrance and alcohol free moisturizer like Eucerin or Lubriderm

  • Keep washing & moisturizing for at least 2 weeks after the appointment

Important Notes

  • After a few days, the tattoo will start to lightly scab. DO NOT pick the scabs off or scratch at the tattoo even if it’s itchy. Lightly patting & moisturizing it can help alleviate the itchiness

  • The most important thing is to keep the tattoo clean & moisturized.

  • Avoid exposing the tattoo to the sun for at least a month.

  • DO NOT put sunscreen on the tattoo until it is fully healed.

  • No swimming or any activity where you are submersed in water that is not your shower (including hot tubs, public baths, pools, rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, other bodies of water) for at least 2 weeks after getting the tattoo.